Roemex is als leverancier van speciale chemicaliën al jarenlang actief in de Europese en Nederlandse geothermiesector. Haar expertise en kennis zet Roemex in om de injectiviteit en levensvatbaarheid van geothermieinstallaties te verbeteren. Geoff Hughes werkt bij Roemex als product line manager en beantwoordt vijf vragen over het lidmaatschap in het Engels.
What kind of organization is Roemex?
Established in 1984, Roemex are a supplier of speciality chemicals and support services to the global energy sector.]
What does Roemex do in the field of geothermal energy?
We are active in the European geothermal community, the Netherlands in particular, supplying chemicals that control corrosion, scaling and bacteria enabling geothermal projects to operate safely and reliably.
What is your role in that?
As a product line manager, I hold responsibility for the Roemex geothermal chemical product line and all related sub products. Our team and I work closely with our clients to understand their needs and coordinate with our technical team to deliver suitable products for their applications. In addition to supplying products, we are active in product deployment and troubleshooting as per our client requirements.
Why did Roemex become a member of Geothermie Nederland?
Geothermal energy is a key element in the fight against climate change for Europe. Roemex want to contribute our expertise and learnings regarding geothermal chemical treatments to improve the injectivity and commercial viability for new or existing geothermal plants.
What are your expectations of Geothermie Nederland?
That all stakeholders can come together in an open forum to share experiences and make geothermal projects a more sustainable option of energy supply for years to come.